Hospice University FAQ

General Questions

How do I get to the Hospice University home page?
Simply click our logo in the top left corner of the site!

I love the content! Can I share Hospice University’s blogs and questions from the forums?
We’re so glad! But, content is for paying members. The content on Hospice University’s website, including the text, software, scripts, graphics, photos, sounds, music, videos, interactive features and the like are owned by or licensed to Hospice University. Content on the website is provided for local program use of paying members and may not be used, copied, reproduced, distributed, transmitted, broadcast, displayed, sold, licensed, or otherwise exploited for any other purposes whatsoever. Members agree, upon paying, to not engage in the copying or distribution of any of our content. If you share content outside of your local program, your company will be held liable and membership will be revoked.

I’m interested in joining the Hospice University faculty. Do you have openings?
We’re always on the lookout for experts in the hospice marketing world. If you’re interested in imparting your wisdom, contact us!

HU Market

We’d like to buy the intellectual rights to the customizable brochures, but we’re a small program with no graphic design professionals on staff. Can you help?
Yes! Contact Hospice University to discuss your needs. We can provide basic graphic design modifications (i.e. logo placement, color changes, font changes, photo assistance, preparing for print readiness) and even copywriting assistance for a reasonable hourly fee.

What am I purchasing when I buy the intellectual rights to the customizable brochures?
Buying the intellectual rights to our customizable brochures allows your program to use and change both the content and graphic elements of the brochures. It also saves you the countless hours it took to create a brochure from scratch and research the content. You will receive the files in both InDesign CS5 and high resolution PDF formats.

Can I buy the photos that you use in the customizable brochures?
Absolutely! For a one-time fee of $99, Hospice University will save you countless hours of research finding the perfect photos. You won’t purchase the photos from HU, but we will connect you to all of our various photo vendors so that you may purchase the photos of your choice. Click here to contact us.


How do we get Hospice University on-site consulting for our program?
Simply click the “Consulting” tab to contact us. Our faculty are available for both on-site and off-site training. One of our faculty experts will return your email or call you promptly to discuss your needs. Please be sure to include your phone number.

How much does on-site consulting cost?
The price varies depending on your specific program needs, so please call or contact us online to send your details. An HU faculty member will be in touch shortly.

Videos & Webinars

It seems the sound and video don’t match, or the video is stuttering. What should I do?
Make sure you are running the most recent version of your browser and Flash Player. Click here to learn about updating your browser (such as Internet Explorer, FireFox, Chrome, etc.) To update your Flash Player, click here. Then, try closing all open windows and processes on your computer, except the video. If you still have trouble, please contact us!


What happens if I pay to attend a Hospice University conference, but can’t attend?
We know it’s impossible to predict the future! If you need to cancel your registration, contact us prior to the first day of the conference to request a credit for a future conference or transfer your registration to someone else.

If you fail to attend the conference, you forfeit your registration fees. Space is limited, so this policy is necessary to cover commitments to the hotel and other conference related expenses.

Can I register on-site for a conference?
Yes, we’d love to have you! But, we can’t guarantee there will be a space for you. Guarantee your space by pre-registering. Contact us any time to find out if there are still spaces available for the conference you’d like to attend.


If we pay for an annual membership, can we change it later?
Once you’ve paid for your annual membership privileges, you have access to a year’s worth of incredible content at your fingertips. Unfortunately, since you’ve had access to our entire video library and all of our content, your annual membership is non-refundable. Billing is recurring, but there’s no pressure to renew the next year. If you’re not ready to commit to a full year, try us out on a monthly basis. However, remember you will only receive one pre-determined teaching video per month. Monthly memberships are also billed on a recurring cycle.

How can I upgrade from a monthly membership to an annual membership?
It’s easy! Simply visit our membership page and click ‘subscribe now’ next to annual membership. You will be directed to PayPal to complete your purchase; PayPal will automatically change your membership type and billing.

We’re a large organization with multiple sites. What are our memberships options?
It is not unusual for hospices with multiple offices to want to access Hospice University. Please contact us to discuss special options for membership.

How do I cancel my membership?
To prevent any unnecessary charges, please cancel prior to the start of your new billing cycle through PayPal. Since both annual and monthly members are billed on a recurring payment cycle, refunds will not be given to the previous billing cycles (or current) but if you cancel prior to the start of a new billing cycle (either monthly or annual), you will not be charged.

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